I produce with STEM.

I produce with STEM.

This project is based on STEM training. In our project, we want to develop 21st century skills such as creative thinking, Critical Thinking, Problem solving, Collaboration, Communication in our students. We will work with our students in our partner schools using project based learning. We will develop projects to produce solutions to some problems we encounter in everyday life. These projects will be related to science technology engineering and mathematics.

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Student groups will be formed in common schools. Projects planned to be built by the founder will be installed on twinspace on the first day of each month. Each school will perform these project activities with its own student groups. When doing activities, such as pictures, videos, sharing via twinspace will be provided. The final version of the projects made at the end of two weeks will be examined and finalized by the members who will be shared via twinspace. Then the other project will be passed. In June, the projects will be exhibited in our schools.


*Activity1: Morse code

*Activity2: robot coding
*Activity3: Hologram image creation
*Activity 4: Robot arm design project
*Displaying projects in schools


